Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 26 Feb 2007
Ends 2 Mar 2007
Central European Time
Gaborone - Botswana
ABSTRACT: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in collaboration with the Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM) and the University of Botswana are jointly organising the Seventh Workshop on the Applicability of Environmental Physics and Meteorology to be held at the University of Botswana from 2-6 October, 2006. This series was initiated SAPAM in 1987 as a direct response to the drought situation in Ethiopia and other countries around the horn of Africa, and aimed at sensitizing African scientists to the need for re-orientation towards climate-related research. This workshop of the series will focus primarily on precipitation processes in the tropics and their representation in numerical models. It is well known that most climate models (global and regional) tend to perform better in mid-latitudes than over tropical regions. A better understanding of tropical precipitation processes should lead to an improvement of their representation in climate models. This will advance our capabilities to better prediction of extreme events (flood and drought) and climate at seasonal to multi-decadal scales along with their societal impacts. The following specific topics will be covered: PRECIPITATION PROCESSES IN TROPICAL REGIONS AND THEIR PARAMETRIZATION IN CLIMATE MODELS DYNAMICS OF TROPICAL MESOSCALE CONVECTIVE SYSTEMS USE OF RADAR IN UNDERSTANDING TROPICAL MESOSCALE SYSTEMS ADEQUACY OF THE CLIMATE OBSERVATIONS OVER AFRICA FOR THE MODEL VALIDATION REGIONAL CLIMATE AND MESOSCALE MODELING SEASONAL PREDICTION AND CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE ON SOCIETY ___________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: Scientists consulting the WEB site of the Centre can use the account: to inform us of changes to their personal data, as published on the WEB SIS (Scientific Information System database)


Directors: A. Adedoyin, F.K.A. Allotey, F. Semazzi; F. Giorgi and J. Pal (
ICTP Local Organizers)